Saturday, February 23, 2008

Captain Overpants to the Rescue!


Did you ever wonder how superheroes had their beginning? Well, now you know. It happened in the wee hours of the morning of a sleepover with young boys, over active imaginations, and a drawer full of underwear. A little more refining, and I think they are on their way to Superherodom...

And for those of you who live in the world of reality, this is how it all went down. Yes, it started as any normal sleepover...boys not getting to sleep til too late, but sleeping none the less. The following morning, while we were still sleeping in on our Saturday morning, trouble was stirring. (Yes, I did say sleep in, and yes it is wonderful. But...if you do this, you must be prepared for the consequences. hmmm..) There was lots of laughing, and then came the knock on the door. Christopher said we have just got to see something because it was soooooo funny. So we sent him away and said we would see it later. So later came, and Matt went out to see what this funny thing was. He came back with the camera and was still laughing. I could not believe it! Was that my 8 year old covered in undies? Oh yes, so now it is etched in history and added to the books for the time when you say... "Do you remember when?". You just gotta love it! There is nothing better than the freedom to be yourself. :)

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sammy I am...

My Sammy is the funniest, most lovable, cutest, and yes most oblivious little guy ever, and yes you guessed it, he is just like I was when I was a kid. Or so says my mom. :) Anyway, just thought I would share a Sammy moment. Last night at dinner, he said that he was not tasting right and his tongue had not been working well for a day or so. So as any good mom might have done, I told him to swallow what was in his mouth, take a drink and rinse all the food down and I would take a look. So off went Sammy to the bathroom. ????? hmmm, next you hear the water, OK, then comes the gagging coughing sounds, ????hmmmm, what is he doing? So I call out to ask if he is alright, and the "yes" comes back, and he is soon to follow. His tongue was ready to be checked he said. So he came over, opened wide, and I saw his tongue was just fine, however, his breath smelled of lime, coconut...was that soap? Oh yes, Bath and Body works lime coconut. So I asked him why his mouth smelled of soap, and wouldn't you know his reply was.." you told me to clean out my mouth, so I did, but the soap did not taste very good"... ahhh, yes, why didn't I think of that! Sometimes common sense leaves even the brightest of us a bit dull. :) And the tongue? that is what comes when you lick on a lollipop too much. Just gotta love my Sammy!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

We Be Pirates!! (and ninjas)

A family who plays together, stays together....

This was taken at the end of unit celebration for the Tapestry co-op that we have been part of this year. The time period we studied covered end of middle ages through early colonial time. That was a lot to cover. The challenge is to find a costume that fits the time period and budget. So we left traditional europe and found that ninjas were warriors in old Japan during this time, and pirates "sailed the seven seas" also during this time period, so here we are...ready for anything.
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Monday, February 4, 2008

Climbing the walls!!!!

So when your friends tell you their kids are climbing the walls, and they are going better check on them. It really may be the truth. :)
Christopher came and got me because he wanted to show me something really cool. Well, our definitions of cool are very different. His was the fact he could climb the walls without falling, and " I even wore my rubber shoes so they wouldn't mark the walls..." Who said he didn't think before he acted.