Today, we found a hummingbird in our garage. It was fun to watch at first, until you realized the only direction it would fly was up. It kept bumping into the ceiling, rest on the garage door and keep trying to fly up, up and away. As Sammy and I stood there, Sammy commented, "If only it had a bigger brain." I just started laughing to which Sammy continued, " You know their brains are very, very small." You gotta love my Sam, so literal. Christopher joined us and tried to help me direct him out of the garage. It didn't work, but then it decided to fly down and actually was flying out of the garage, until it tried to fly up, again....and knocked itself silly on the door ridge. It fell straight to the floor, dazed. Of course, we went to try and help it. As the mom, I thought, this thing is not long for this world. But my Christopher, with his compassionate heart for animals, picked him up and cared for him. We got some sugar water and a towel. Christopher helped straighten it's wing and watched over it. And believe it or not, the little fellow flew away. Christopher said later that God had answered his prayer, and saved his hummingbird.