Ok, so I have already proven to be, oh, let's say....not a good blogger, but I am determined to get it going. So here it is, better late than never.
We have lots of traditions for Christmas and Christmas Eve. We always read The Night Before Christmas, get new pjs for the boys, and search for a pickle hidden on the tree to see who gets to serve out the candy orange.

We also leave some refreshment for the big man himself. Yes, we do Santa. After much deliberation and discussion, we felt like it was just plain fun and really only lasts a short time, so why not. One knows the truth and directly asked if he could play along anyway, and the other, though he heard the truth, may have been too young to remember. So I think he really does believe, hmmm. Not sure I did a good job on that one. Oh well, it was fun hearing him try to figure out how Santa does it all. For example, reindeer don't fly, so how does that work?.....they must have jet packs or something. (from Sammy) Pretty funny.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! (belated)

The aftermath in the morning is just unexplainable, but what a blessing that the Lord allows us to celebrate His son's birth with such abundance.
I hope all of your holidays were just as fun and enjoyable as ours.
Now if you want to know more of what has been happening, wait about 10 minutes for the newest update.
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