Every kid at some point seems to think it is a good idea to cut their own hair. And then finds out, that it really is not that great of an idea after all. For my boys, the "barber"ous virus seems to hit at about age 7. And Sammy caught it too. He had been telling me earlier that day I needed to cut his hair because his forehead itched. I told him I could do it the next day. (I didn't think 24 hours was unreasonable.) Well, for him it was about 23 hours too long because the next I saw him, he was missing all of the hair on the front of his head. I asked what happened to his hair, to which he replied, "nothing". And I pointed out how very short it was, and he said "it's fine". Ok... I said "fine, but I am shaving the rest of your head to match, go get the clippers" and so he did. Hence, I shaved all his hair off. What is funny, I think, is the shirt was so very appropriate this day (and many others, of course.). Also, he wouldn't let me take a before picture of his "fine" hair.

So here is the after picture. He always looks so much older with short hair. I can't stand it. However, I can't end my story just yet, for the next day he came to me and said "Did you know I have a bug bite on my forehead? I guess it wasn't my hair." Oh well, what can you say. Sammy liked the short hair so much, Christopher decided he too needed his head shaved. I love having boys! (no hair bows, barretts, headbands....no hair! Yahoooo!)
What? No mohawks??? :)
He is so handsome..wow..those eyes. That was a great story. I agree with the hairbows thing, except a little tteeeny weeny bit of me doesn't! I also love, love to spike Skye's hair, as it makes the color seem never ending. So we do go through a good amount of gel in our house.
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