The boys wanted to be clones for Halloween, so we got them each a costume. One was Commander Rex and the other was Commander Cody, I think...
The only problem was that since my boys are so tall, the size 10 costumes that should have fit fine,

were just a little too short. (No, there were no bigger sizes, that was the biggest.) Oh, by about 3-4 inches, but did they care? Not a bit! They were just having too much fun.
Ready for duty, sir.

As you can see, there is one posted at the mailbox, and one at the door by the candy. Ready and waiting for ANY trick or treater to come. They were so excited, they just couldn't stand it. They were posted about an hour before things really got going and couldn't understand why no one was coming yet. When someone came down the other side to our neighbors' house, they yelled to them "they're not home, but we have candy!" Finally, after much duress, the kids finally started coming. The boys were thrilled. See, we usually take them to a festival to play and get candy, but since they are getting so big, we decided to do a more traditional halloween, pass out candy and then take them to a couple houses. I was amazed at how much they came home with only going to about 10 houses on our street. Yikes! Now I can see why kids get so overloaded on sugar.... However, it was a lot of fun.

The boys were so generous, and commented on each kids outfit, and were very sweet with the little ones. One little girl said " Thank you sir." to Christopher. He just thought that was great. To be a "sir" at 9.
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