Ok, so the ladies who make this co-op happen are absolutely amazing. We are so thankful for them and all the work they do. Their creativeness makes everything else just that much more fun. For the Thanksgiving dinner each family was paired up and assigned a letter from the word Thanksgiving and we had to come up with an interactive activity for the group. We had the letter V, and decided to do a game show where you Voted for your favorite Visually impaired chef. We chose 4 dads from the audience, and blindfolded them and had them decorate a cake with the guidance of one of our kids. They did great. It was so funny to hear how the kids did or did not direct them. Then they got to take the cakes home for their participation. One of the other groups had all the dads walk across the stage acting like a turkey. That was absolutely hilarious. I was crying the whole time. Like I said, very creative, and a ton of fun. I will try to get some of my video on here. It is totally worth it.

As with every school program, the kids have to perform. So each class had a part to present from what they have been learning about this year. Christopher's class presented the timeline starting at creation, and Sammy's class presented their Bible memory work. They both did very well.
This co-op has been a real blessing for our homeschool. The boys have really enjoyed it, and I have seen them learn so much and step out in areas I would not have guessed they would. Oh, yah, it is a Classical Conversations co-op if you were wondering. It is just fabulous.
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