Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Chimney Like No Other

Ok asked for it, and now you finally get it. My chimney!!! Isn't it great? Now I know there are mixed opinions over my chimney on the front of the house, but let it be known, I LOVE IT!

Please, don't take me too serious.:) It really isn't an idle in my heart. I just think it is unique and grand.
So here is the rest of the update. The chimney, as you see, is done. We now have all our windows, and as of yesterday should have all our doors. They will be starting exterior this week and hopefully will drywall by the end of this month if all goes well. When it looks different, I will post some new pictures. Shouldn't be too long. Please pray, though, Jeremy is in yet another trial with the county. This time over getting them to do the sewer and water hook-ups. So it is very possible that some of the houses will be done and have no water. Please pray that the Lord would give him favor and that he can finish these houses.
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Our Blood Runneth Orange

Like father, like son(s)....We are working to train our boys right, in the tradition of the Clemson Tigers. They had a blast at the game. Though they didn't like the deafening booing that ensued after a very bad call by the refs. We have always taught them to cheer their team on, and not to boo your opponent, so this really bothered them. Kinda funny.
And, like a good mother, I raced down the bleachers through crowds of fans to get my boys down to the "Meet at the Paw" to get some autographs. Though, we were too late for the players, we scored with the Tiger Cub, who was only too happy to sign their jerseys.
Hmmm....I wonder what the future holds...maybe a future tiger or two?
And like boys, their energy is boundless, even after a long day of tailgating and gaming, they are still ready to race up the hill. Go Tigers!
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Clemson Game Day

Can't you just hear The Tiger Rag?
The players enter the field by running down the hill after rubbing the rock.
Central spirit always blows up tons of balloons for the opening of a game.
Now, if only you could hear the deafening cheering of 80,000 fans, you would want to be a tiger too.
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The Bradford Store

Every week we pass by The Bradford Store, and this particular, beautiful day, we just had to stop. What a great little place! The blacksmith was out working and he stopped and gave the boys a whole lesson on blacksmithing. Very cool, and also found out he will do commissioned pieces. I would love to have him do my door knocker, we will see.
And you certainly can't go and not get a fun treat, so we got the kids an ice cream. It was a little windy, which made it a bit cool, but there was certainly no complaining.
You never know where you will find a treasure. This is the chandelier I bought at the little shop in the barn. It will hang in the stairwell. Yes, I can hear some of you saying hmmmm....that's nice.... ahemm, but just you wait. It will be perfect in my eclectic little farm house. I just love it! (and, it was even under budget!)
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So the boys decided to camp in the living room one day. They had the whole set up. This was during their daytime play time. Well, that night they asked to please be allowed to sleep in their camp. So we let them. At first Christopher was a little afraid of a dark living room and being in a tent by himself, and Sammy was all good with it all. Matt and I went into the study to watch one of our shows on the computer. When Matt went out later to get a drink, he found a fully fortified camp. They had moved ALL the chairs and couches to form a wall around their tents, and they were still not asleep. We rearranged a little, so we could actually get to our room, and left them for the night. In the morning we found Christopher asleep in his tent and Sammy not in his tent. We found him all cozy in his bed. Apparently he could not get to sleep in the tent and felt better in his own bed. I guess there is some of me in him afterall.
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Boys being Boys

Gone fishing!
They made their poles out of sticks and string, got their bait-some bread, and they even have a bag a water to carry their fish home in. They were gone all afternoon. Even though they caught no fish, they still loved the challenge of fishing with sticks, bread and pipe cleaner hooks.
If you guessed a Trojan War Horse, you would be correct. We memorized the Trojan War history card for this week, and Sammy took it upon himself to build it. There really were soldiers inside too.
Ahhhh, look at how peaceful and content they are SHARING the new lego catalog, dreaming and envisioning all the things they could do with all the new sets.
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