Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our Blood Runneth Orange

Like father, like son(s)....We are working to train our boys right, in the tradition of the Clemson Tigers. They had a blast at the game. Though they didn't like the deafening booing that ensued after a very bad call by the refs. We have always taught them to cheer their team on, and not to boo your opponent, so this really bothered them. Kinda funny.
And, like a good mother, I raced down the bleachers through crowds of fans to get my boys down to the "Meet at the Paw" to get some autographs. Though, we were too late for the players, we scored with the Tiger Cub, who was only too happy to sign their jerseys.
Hmmm....I wonder what the future holds...maybe a future tiger or two?
And like boys, their energy is boundless, even after a long day of tailgating and gaming, they are still ready to race up the hill. Go Tigers!
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