Thursday, October 23, 2008


So the boys decided to camp in the living room one day. They had the whole set up. This was during their daytime play time. Well, that night they asked to please be allowed to sleep in their camp. So we let them. At first Christopher was a little afraid of a dark living room and being in a tent by himself, and Sammy was all good with it all. Matt and I went into the study to watch one of our shows on the computer. When Matt went out later to get a drink, he found a fully fortified camp. They had moved ALL the chairs and couches to form a wall around their tents, and they were still not asleep. We rearranged a little, so we could actually get to our room, and left them for the night. In the morning we found Christopher asleep in his tent and Sammy not in his tent. We found him all cozy in his bed. Apparently he could not get to sleep in the tent and felt better in his own bed. I guess there is some of me in him afterall.
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