Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Maize Maze

This is our fearless group, Daniel R., Daniel H., and Christopher and Sam, and their fearless leaders, my friend Tara and myself. We started with much confidence in the ability of our team. All the teams were named after Greek and Roman gods, and we were the warrior gods, Mars and ?. (Yah, just drew a blank...Hmmmm) Anyway, the goal was to get through the maze in good time while collecting map pieces and answering questions you find along the way.
(whose kids are those anyway....)
So, off we go with our flag and our arrow of leadership. The arrow was to determine whose turn it was to decide which direction to go,and the flag was so that we were never entirely lost to the world. It worked out great. The boys worked so well together, no fighting or bickering about directions. They were so compliant, no one questioned any direction, even when we went in the same circle 2 times in a row. Even still, Tara and I had decided this was the boys' thing and we would just follow. So follow we did, for almost 2 hours. At about the 1 hour 45 minute mark, Tara and I both decided Starbucks was calling and we stepped in to ask for help.

The boys were getting a bit weary of not finding the end, but they still didn't want to ask for help. That's a group of boys for you. We were in there so long, even the maze masters were mocking us from their towers, very sad. However, we did ask for help to find our way out to find that we were the 4th out of 5 teams to finish. The first team finished in about 50 minutes (very impressive!), and the last team stayed past the point of getting out so they could find all the map pieces. They knew how to get out, but didn't so they could go back and find ALL the pieces. Alas, that really made us the truly last place team. (We didn't even have half our pieces AND it took us forever to get out.) When all the points and times were considered and honors handed out, we earned, the worked together best honor. Very nice, but I don't think I would have minded the quickest out award. :)
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