Friday, June 13, 2008

Cliff's Notes 2

This is Ringo the Racoon, and Shasta the Husky. These are the pets of preference in our house, no shedding, vet bills, or food costs. Though it does cost my boys about 30 minutes a day of care in the virtual world. If you don't have a Webkinz in your house, you just don't know what you're missing.

Found these shirts and felt they were too good to pass up. If you have trouble reading the shirts, this is what they say:
Sammy- Getting in trouble, It's what I do best. (yes, we agree..)
Christopher- Whatever I did I'm sure I have a good excuse. (ain't that the truth)
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Lindsay said...

That's really funny! I saw that shirt that Christopher has on somewhere and I immediately thought of him too:))

tweedfamilyof4 said...

Hey...ran across your blog...Cute!! I heard you are joining us in CC???? Awesome!

Heather said...

Love the shirts!