Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Final Cliff's Notes

So, I don't know exactly what happens when they turn 9, but I was not prepared for this. It came with a dance as well. Sorry I couldn't get the video to work.
This should have gone along with my post about the boys when they got their tools. It was an all out battle of the tool guys. We did relay races with their tools and had a good time with it. I thought it was pretty funny how they each had everything for their store as well.
We went skating this year for homeschool day. The boys had a lot of fun with their friends and even learned how to skate...without mom's arm.
This butterfly set up was one of Christopher's birthday presents. It was very easy and quite interesting to watch. Unfortunately, the boys were having a fun-filled weekend with grandma and missed the actual hatching, but I took pictures and video, and again can't figure out how to put it on. Anyhow, I believe this officially catches me up on all the pictures and fun we have had until now. So I will try to do better about keeping up to date.
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1 comment:

3orange1blonde said...

great, great posts..the boys are getting so tall tracy! I love it. Thanks for sharing and putting all the time into the captioning and did a great job.