Wednesday, April 16, 2008


After much procrastination, I now give you 7 of everything I can remember....
7 things to do before I die:
-see my children come to know Christ as their saviour
-see my health restored
-spend lots of time enjoying my husband
-go to Italy
-go to Hawaii again
-know my grandchildren
-see the grand canyon

7 things I can't do well:
-um, remember anything past 4 seconds
-laundry (my husband threatened to get a laundry service, I told him to go ahead, hmmm...guess he wasn't that serious)
-go without my boys for too long
-cook without a recipe
-keep houseplants alive
-pass a multiple choice test (yes, including the SAT....if only it was an essay test)

7 favorite movies:
-Pride and Prejudice
-While You Were Sleeping
-You've Got Mail
-Sleepless In Seattle
-How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
-Harry Potter
-Sweet Home Alabama

7 things I often say:
-"might could" don't know, but I may be part redneck
-"Outside, NOW!" ( some energy just can't be contained)
-"Lord please forgive me for not responding with kindness and grace."
-"What are you eating???"
-"I love you"
-"Stop eating my chocolate chips!"

7 things I like about my husband:
-thinks I am perfect (who's to say he's wrong?)
-awesome Dad
-hard worker
-he's a genius
-he's the BEST!

7 Favorite Books and Authors:
-Jane Austen
-Wheel of Time Series
-Stepping Heavenward
-Harry Potter
That is about 30 books, so I quit.

7 People to Tag:
-any 7 people who have not been tagged already, you know who you are

Hope you all enjoyed!


Heather said...

We miss you guys! Like the list!

Madeira girl said...

Great job Tracie! And you even did the whole thing. I only did half. :)

3orange1blonde said...

Thanks for posting..I was looking and looking! Great 7 tings before you that list.

JJandFive said...

this is so funny : )