Monday, April 21, 2008

A Tribute

What can you say about a woman who was a daughter, sister, wife, friend, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and who did it all with excellence and a great sense of humor? Doris Lucas (Matt's grandmother on his father's side) has truly left a legacy. She raised four boys and worked in a time when that was not the thing to do. Though she hid in closets when they were being particularly bad, she also never missed a ball game or special event her boys had. She had a marraige that most of us aspire to. Her husband being her best friend. Grandchildren and great grandchildren whom she spoiled wonderfully and who will never forget her toy closet. She believed that sugar never hurt anyone, spoiling was relative, and coffee was never to be drunk in anything less than a china cup. We will all miss her, but her legacy will continue to live on....a refrigerator that never is empty of coke, bacon and peanut butter balls.


Madeira girl said...

We are all sad for your loss. She sounded like such a neat woman! Love you guys!

Lindsay said...

Amen! That's my kind of woman! Praise God for the tons of lives she has touched, including mine.

Jessica Moore said...

Sorry to hear about your loss. We are grateful to God for her example which is evident in the generations to follow. I am sure you both learned from and were challenged by her in many ways. BTW, I hope the bacon and peanut butter are not in the balls together :)

JJandFive said...

I'm sorry you lost her. I wish I had known her, she sounds wonderful... I'll think of her whenever you make her fabulous peanutbutter balls!
Love you bunches,