Wednesday, December 31, 2008

November 1st:Peanut Butter Balls

The holiday season is officially begun at the Lucas house. Grandma Doris' peanut butter balls begin it all. I have made these for years from a secret recipe given out by Grandma Doris and sworn to secrecy. It is just one of the many things that make the holidays so much fun.

The boys have been a huge help over the last couple years. It used to take me 2-3 days to make 4-500 peanut butter balls and sometimes I had to do it over 2 weekends, but now we can pretty much get it done in a day. Go BOYS!!!!

They alternate as to who scoops and who rolls, then we all work on the chocolate. We listen to Christmas music, snitch a few tastes, and just enjoy being a part of the Lucas family tradition.
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